Irwin Technical College is determined to help each student reach (his/her, his hereafter) full potential in the courses selected for a career path. We use a for-profit apprentice system to guarantee the student learns as fast as possible. Our learn and earn approach is the least expensive of any technical trade school. We provide a Christian environment that includes two required courses that have been eliminated from the public school system. One course includes a complete study of the bible. The other required course focuses on the history of the United States, the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. When one graduates, his skills will be in demand and he will be guaranteed to a high paying job. Our goal is that he will have earned the credits necessary to pay his tuition. That would indicate he has acquired the skill and moral character to be valued by a potential employer.
If the student finds that this program is not right for him, he may terminate at anytime and his loan will be forgiven. Likewise, after three warnings, and such counseling and review as is deemed appropriate, if the college determines the student is not suitable, he will be terminated and his loan will be forgiven.